Industry Oriented Program (IOP): Welcome


This course is about Industry Oriented Program. This is for preparing students for working in the connected and collaborative working patterns that are rapidly emerging in business and industry. The course has multiple objectives. 
  • At top level, it orients students towards new and emerging industrial and social order enabled by cloud computing and social media. Towards this end, it introduces them the elements of concept, theory and general practices that are emerging such as searching, blogging, chatting and their implications for personal and professional life.
  • At a higher and conceptual level the course aim to introduce  a "re-think" in terms of new building block and realities of the new technology infrastructure such as MapReduce, Hadoop and more and convince students to stop thinking in terms of traditional and ceasing to be useful " batch processing models"
  • Secondly at practical level, the course will introduce and illustrate the new enabling features afforded by cloud computing such as online sharing, collaborating online and over ling distances and more. . For general students, the course aims to introduce need for and possibility of "computational thinking"- integrating new and powerful tools and resources provided by cloud into their to theory and experimental procedure.
  • Finally it will also introduce elements of new emerging economic order called " cloudonomics". and impressing workforce in terms of mash-up and not build up; and best order to procure resources required for complete occupation on hand is - identify, generate and assembly - instead of building everything on one's own and from the scratch.


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